Today I made a graph about our hub's birthday month. It helped me figure out, what was the most popular month in Tumu Hub. I started out by making a copy of the information I needed to create both of the graph's, then I took a screenshot of both of the graph's, then I created two Google Drawings, then I made some statements about when people were born.
Have you ever made a graph before?
Ki ora Lucas,
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting question to be exploring for math. Your graphs look very professional and I like the colours you used. It is good that you have included statements about your findings. Maybe next time you could include a few more. I remember having to do graphs when I was at school, but mine were on paper, not nice ones like yours. What is another type of graph you could use to show your results?
Hi Lucas its Alex O here I really like your bar graphs it shows a lot of detail and I learnt a lot of things. Maybe next time you could put the colour of our teams to the colours we use now. I should have done something like that. Was it hard to do.